


Mistreatment. Childhood. Society. Trauma. State.


The theme of this article is child abuse: from the perspective of the state protection omission. The following problem was investigated: "can childhood abuse cause trauma for life?". The following hypothesis was considered "in the multiplicity of cases, the violators are relatives". The general objective is "to report the existence of serious crimes that, instead of disappearing, increase the number of cases, such as the crime of mistreatment". The specific objectives are: "to find the problem of abuse"; "Locate the risk and protect the youth from the violence suffered"; "Implanting experiments to help this person". This work is important for a legal operator to show the importance of protecting children, as they are the future of our country; for science, it is relevant for studying the behavior of an adult who suffered violence in childhood; it adds to society by the fact that violence against such a helpless person generates a lot of discomfort in society, society tries to do justice with its own hand, and this is not uncommon to happen. This is a qualitative theoretical research lasting six months.


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Author Biographies

Marco Antônio Ferreira Barbosa Marcelino, Faculdade Processus, DF, Brasil

Faculdade Processus, DF, Brasil
E-mail: [email protected]

Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves, Universidade Católica de Brasília, UCB, DF, Brasil

Universidade Católica de Brasília, UCB, DF, Brasil
E-mail: [email protected]


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