An Importance Of Mediation And Conciliation For The Disclosure Of The Judiciary Power Of The City Of Valparaí­so de Goiás - GO


  • Me. Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)
  • Cleison Virginio Gomes de Almeida Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)
  • Leonardo Duarte dos Santos Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)


Mediation. Conciliation. Effectiveness. Pre Procedural. Cejusc.


The theme of this article is The Importance of Mediation and Conciliation for the Clearance of the Judiciary in Valparaiso de Goias. The following problem was investigated: "Do mediation and conciliation in the pre-procedural phase substantially contribute to the reduction of the litigious procedural demand within the Judiciary in the municipality of Valparaiso de Goias?". The following hypothesis was considered, that mediation and conciliation contribute significantly to the clearing of the judiciary in the municipality in question due to the large number of hearings that are held in the Judicial Centers for Conflict and Citizenship (CEJUSCs). in the pre-procedural phase. The general objective is to ascertain whether the mediation and conciliation work carried out by the Judicial Centers for Conflict and Citizenship Solution have significantly contributed to the reduction of the judicial demand in the judiciary. The specific objectives are: to approach the historical and conceptual perspective of the institutes of mediation and conciliation in Brazil; verify how the conciliator and the mediator act in the pre-procedural self-composition; consider how pre-procedural self-composition contributes to access to justice; promote a brief analysis of Resolution 125 of the National Council of Justice and the provisions of the 2015 Civil Procedure Code on conciliation and mediation; This work is important from an individual perspective because of the course of mediation and conciliation that I did at the Court of the State of Goiás in 2015, acting as a voluntary conciliator, which caught my attention the various cases that were resolved in the pre phase. procedural, without the need to proceed; for science, it is relevant because <cite what science gains from its work>; it adds to society by <mentioning the importance of its work to society>. This is a theoretical qualitative research lasting six months..


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Author Biographies

Me. Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves, Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)

Doutorando em Psicologia; Mestre em Ciência Política; Licenciado em Filosofia e Letras (Português e Inglês); Especialista em Didática do Ensino Superior em EAD, Docência no Ensino Superior, Formação em EAD, Revisão de Texto, Agronegócio e Gestão Ambiental. Professor das faculdades Processus (DF), Unip (SP), Facesa (GO), CNA (DF). Escritor (autor de 61 livros didáticos). Revisor e Editor.

Cleison Virginio Gomes de Almeida, Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)

Possui graduação em Direito pela Faculdade Processus (2015). Atualmente é professor da Faculdade Processus. Tem experiência na área de Direito, com ênfase em Direito Tributário

Leonardo Duarte dos Santos, Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)

Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade Processus


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