
  • Esp. Douglas Phillips Freitas Universidade Estácio de Sá, UNESA, Brasil.


DRAFT LAW 6874/2006, UNIONS HOMOAFETIVES, National Congress


The National Congress passed the Draft Law 6,874 of 2006, which now has on the "civil contract of homoafetiva union". Firstly, homoaffective union, to who does not know, it is the union of people of the same sex, or union homosexual. It has nothing to do with the popular "gay marriage" because it tries to change the institution of marriage, but expand the institute of the Stable Union. The simple project in its essence and complex in its social dimension, with only four articles will promote, in its approval, a profound change in the Recognizing in the infraconstitucional section the union of people of the same sex as a family entity, giving them property rights in their union or dissolution, as well as inheritance rights. According to the project that proposes to enter in force on the date of its publication, shall promote the following changes to the Civil


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Author Biography

Esp. Douglas Phillips Freitas, Universidade Estácio de Sá, UNESA, Brasil.

Douglas Phillips Freitas - Lawyer. [Academic activity]: Specialist in Psychopedagogy by UNIVILLE. Doctorate in Juridical and Social Sciences from UMSA / Argentina. Professor invited from the Superior School of Law - ESA / OAB-RS and the São Paulo Lawyers Association - AASP. Professor of graduation at IES / FASC and post-graduation from UNOESC, CESUSC, UNIDAVI, UnC, CESULBRA, UnC, ESUCRI and FDSM / MG. Former faculty professor: ESTÁCIO DE SÁ, UNIBAN, IBES and CESBLU. [Professional activity]: Vice-President of the Brazilian Institute of Family Law - IBDFAM / Santa Catarina 2012 to 2014 (former president 2010-2012). Member of the Family Law Commission of OAB / SC. Director of Santa Catarina appointed by the Brazilian Association of Family Lawyers - ABRAFAM. [Literary activity]: Author, co-author and coordinator of several legal books. As author: Food Graví­dicos - 3rd edition (Forensic Publishing, 2012); Parental Alienation - comments on Law no. 12318/10 - 2nd edition (Forensic Publishing, 2012); Adoption by homoaffective couple (Voxlegem, 2012); ; Guard shared under the rules of social, psychological and interdisciplinary expertise (Editora Conceito, 2009); The socio-legal function of the lover (Editora Conceito, 2008),. Co-author: Civil Law Readings (Editora Podvim, 2009), Consolidated Constitution Law (Editora Concept, 2008) and Processo (Editora TJSC / Conceito, 2007); Social Expertise (Editora OAB, 2002); organizer and co-author: New Approved Manual - 3rd edition (Editora Voxlegem, 2008); Course of Law of Succession (Editora Voxlegem, 2007); Course on Family Law (Editora Voxlegem, 2006); Civil Code commented on by lawyers (Editora Voxlegem, 2005). Author of articles published in magazines of MAGISTER, IOB, OAB and CONSULEX. Lecturer.

