
  • Dra. Cláudia Luiz Lourenço Universidade Federal de Goiás, UFG, Brasil; Pontifí­cia Universidade Católica de Goiás, PUC GOIÁS, Brasil;




A State does not make itself known by adding or juxtaposing knowledge that can be produced on it. He is a reality process that makes it difficult to identify the limits of their own performance. In each society is constituted by a multiplicity of combinations of forces context. But the conception of the State always certain models, to explanatory forms of a rather empirical reality. complex, since it is a synthesis of innumerable social determinations, diffuse relations that only by a successive process of abstractions can be made autonomous, returning from there to the concrete for its understanding. No real concrete relationship.2 In the regulation of society, the state appears as the expression of the general will, the institution that intends to exercise the monopoly violence (Weber, 1972). Through the creation and use of norms,
dimension of rationality, with the task of enforcing a ethical minimum in the relations between the individuals, being a locus of integration of the
particular wishes. The principle of the State lies precisely in the monopoly of legal protection and distribution of the right. Law without the State becomes innocuous; on the other hand, the state without the right becomes an arbitrary structure of power. At institution of the state we have two presuppositions, strength and reason. Strength as far as which implies the creation of a power that imposes a will of real scope coercive; and reason that is able to rationally elaborate the legitimacy of the State.
The symbolic power of the State, however, is only effective insofar as it organizes itself and becomes coercive, for it alone assumes omnipotence, omniscience, and
the omnipresence. In this context, the State will prepare itself in a way that will satisfaction of the public interest by doing it in a centralizing or decentralization, according to their interest. Federalism asserts itself essentially as a model of state decentralization, built theory as well as by the empirical result of observations of actual experiences. It is believed that its effectiveness is linked to a well-established system of division of powers, since the most insignificant of the confusions in this sphere will affect the federal functionality.


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Author Biography

Dra. Cláudia Luiz Lourenço, Universidade Federal de Goiás, UFG, Brasil; Pontifí­cia Universidade Católica de Goiás, PUC GOIÁS, Brasil;

Postgraduate in Constitutional Law from the Universití  degli Studi di Messina (2016) PhD in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (2013), Master of Law from the Federal University of Goiás (2002), Specialist in University Teaching from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC / GO, 1999), a specialist in Criminal Law from the Federal University of Goiás (1999) and a specialist in Public Law from Fesurv-Axioma Jurídico (2007), a law degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC / GO) (1997). Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) (since 2014), Assistant Lecturer at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC / GO since 2008), Faculdade Sul Americana (2009/2013, 2014 / 2019-1) being Professor member of the NDE of Atame (since 2017), at FANAP (2014-2017). Research Professor at the Educational Association of Miners (2015/2016). Specialized Technique in Administrative Management / Institutional Articulation in the Budgetary and Financial Coordination of the Secretariat of Biodiversity and Forests of the Ministry of the Environment (2009/2010). Professor at Faculdade Cambury (2010-2015 / 1), face-to-face and virtual environment, Faculty of Inhuma- FACMAIS (2010), Professor at Anhanguera College (2009/2012), Substitute Professor at Federal University of Goiás (2006/2007) (2001-2005), Faculties Objective (2001-2005) and Faculdade Padrão (2002). He has experience in the area of "‹"‹Law, with emphasis in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Legal Practice and Administrative (Covenants), also acting in the following subjects: Biodiversity, Constitutional Law, Consumer Protection, Financial Law, Penal Reform, Criminology, Social Security Law.

