Article 08: GRAVID FOODS AND LAW No. 11804/08


  • Esp. Douglas Phillips Freitas Universidade Estácio de Sá, UNESA, Brasil.




On November 5, 2008, Law No. 11,804 was sanctioned. The so-called Law of Gravitational Foods, in force since its publication, disciplines the foods to be paid to pregnant women and the way in which this right will be exercised. Subject to controversy, the law, undoubtedly brings important protection to the mother's rights, both in the viability of the future offspring and in the apportionment of expenses with the alleged father. Pregnancy foods comprise, according to the wording of art. 2 of Law No. 11804/08, "the amounts sufficient to cover the additional expenses of the period of pregnancy and arising therefrom, from conception to delivery, including those referring to special diet, medical and psychological care, complementary examinations, hospitalizations, childbirth , medicines and other essential preventive and therapeutic prescriptions, at the discretion of the physician, as well as others that the judge considers pertinent. " It is not, therefore, a matter of alimony, nor of mere civil responsibility towards the supposed father, but of a hybrid institute, both in the material and procedural aspects, according to the following brief lines.


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Author Biography

Esp. Douglas Phillips Freitas, Universidade Estácio de Sá, UNESA, Brasil.

Phillips Freitas - Attorney. [Academic activity]: Specialist in Psychopedagogy by UNIVILLE. Doctorate in Juridical and Social Sciences from UMSA / Argentina. Professor invited from the Superior School of Law - ESA / OAB-RS and the São Paulo Lawyers Association - AASP. Professor of graduation at IES / FASC and post-graduation from UNOESC, CESUSC, UNIDAVI, UnC, CESULBRA, UnC, ESUCRI and FDSM / MG. Former faculty professor: ESTÁCIO DE SÁ, UNIBAN, IBES and CESBLU. [Professional activity]: Vice-President of the Brazilian Institute of Family Law - IBDFAM / Santa Catarina 2012 to 2014 (former president 2010-2012). Member of the Family Law Commission of OAB / SC. Director of Santa Catarina appointed by the Brazilian Association of Family Lawyers - ABRAFAM. [Literary activity]: Author, co-author and coordinator of several legal books. As author: Food Graví­dicos - 3rd edition (Forensic Publishing, 2012); Parental Alienation - comments on Law no. 12318/10 - 2nd edition (Forensic Publishing, 2012); Adoption by homoaffective couple (Voxlegem, 2012); ; Guard shared under the rules of social, psychological and interdisciplinary expertise (Editora Conceito, 2009); The socio-legal function of the lover (Editora Conceito, 2008),. Co-author: Civil Law Readings (Editora Podvim, 2009), Consolidated Constitution Law (Editora Concept, 2008) and Processo (Editora TJSC / Conceito, 2007); Social Expertise (Editora OAB, 2002); organizer and co-author: New Approved Manual - 3rd edition (Editora Voxlegem, 2008); Course of Law of Succession (Editora Voxlegem, 2007); Course on Family Law (Editora Voxlegem, 2006); Civil Code commented on by lawyers (Editora Voxlegem, 2005). Author of articles published in magazines of MAGISTER, IOB, OAB and CONSULEX. Lecturer.

