Preventive management of the work environment and burnout syndrome: reflexes on the business environment and social security
Work environment; Prevention; Burnout Syndrome; Social Security.Abstract
Stress accompanies human beings throughout their development, from the beginning, when it was used as a tool to assist in hunting and protection, to the present day, when it occupies a place as a serious illness of the 21st century. This article addresses occupational stress under the phenomenon of Burnout Syndrome, providing an analysis of the need to implement prevention methodologies in the business sphere and the consequences of professional burnout in Companies and in Social Security. The methodology that will be used consists of exploratory, qualitative, cross-sectional research on a given phenomenon through the hypothetical deductive method, using a bibliographic review to extract the elements of analysis and make considerations about the topic. The objective is to understand the impacts of burnout syndrome in the private sector and the effects on public social security, verifying whether there is preventive management of occupational stress and what tools social security has in relation to illnesses resulting from occupational stress. The justification for analyzing the topic consists of the current nature of the topic and its relevance, as well as the fact that a significant increase in Burnout cases has been identified in Brazil in the last decade. This justifies the analysis in relation to the impacts of the increase in cases of burnout, a disease caused by occupational stress, on the Brazilian social security system. It is concluded that there is a need to create preventive mechanisms for occupational stress in companies as a way of reducing the economic and social costs resulting from illnesses caused by Burnout Syndrome.
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