Public policy. Integration of minoritiesAbstract
Social inclusion in schools is a process that requires a series of measures, such as adapting pedagogical practices to the educational demands that students present. The aim of this study was to analyze how is the service to students of Recanto das Emas Class 510 School, administrative region of the Federal District, in an inclusive perspective and to know what difficulties teachers face, whether they are prepared, feel qualified or not. , to deal with each type of student with their physical, mental, and so on disabilities. Thus, we made an overview of activities that are developed in EC 510 to confront the theories, laws, norms, guidelines and scholars of the subject in order to know and recognize the theme of Inclusion in reality. You could see that in this school there is a look interested in the human being, there are also trained professionals willing to change scenarios of unhappy children. In general, the school does what it can to ensure that social inclusion is not seen as difficult or impossible. The school's concern with providing quality education and wanting to overcome challenges is noticeable. Another relevant factor was the social context in which the school is inserted; In the community, in its history, references to violence, unemployment, precarious housing were noted and this may cause the low attendance of students in school.
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BNCC-Base Nacional Comum Curricular: In.: Acesso em 20/07/2019.
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