
  • Me. Ana Carolina Borges de Oliveira Faculdade Processus - DF (Brasil)
  • Dr. Gustavo Javier Castro Silva Faculdade Processus - DF (Brasil)


Social Contract; State; Thomas Hobbes; John Locke; similarities; differences.


The present study intends to propose a new reading on the theory of the social contract of Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and John Locke (1632-1704). Thus, some questions will be raised that involve the points of contact between these two theo-ries, trying to analyze if there are more similarities than differences between the two authors and their contractualist prisms. In this sense, the work will be divided into three parts. In the first part, the classical and Middle Ages theories about the origin of the State will be presented to discuss the contractualist theories of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, as well as the historical context of the two authors. After this, possible si-milarities between the two theories will be raised, allowing a new vision about the the-ory of John Locke. Finally, it is possible to affirm that John Locke's contractualist the-ory can be considered as non-liberal, approaching Thomas Hobbes's absolutist theory.


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Author Biographies

Me. Ana Carolina Borges de Oliveira, Faculdade Processus - DF (Brasil)

Bacharel em Direito, Mestre em Direito e Políticas Públicas, Doutoranda em Direito, Professora das disciplinas Contratos em espécies, Direito Administrativo e Processo Constitucional na Faculdade Pro-cessus (Brasília, DF).

Dr. Gustavo Javier Castro Silva, Faculdade Processus - DF (Brasil)

Bacharel em Filosofia, Mestre em Ciência Política, Mestre em Relações Internacionais, Doutor em So-ciologia, Professor da disciplina Ciência Política e Teoria Geral do Estado na Faculdade Processus (Brasí­-lia, DF).


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