The costs of the effectiveness of the judicial provision of the court of justice of the state of Piauí




Legal costs. Access to Justice. Jurisdictional Provision. Effectiveness. Piauí.


The State of Piauí, recognized as one of the federative entities with the lowest socioeconomic development in Brazil, paradoxically exhibits judicial costs charged by the Court of Justice of the State of Piauí (TJPI) among the highest in the country. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the jurisdictional provision of the TJPI through an approach that combines bibliographic and documentary research, as well as the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. The results indicate that, over the past two decades (2005-2024), the TJPI has stood out negatively, ranking among the state courts with the lowest efficiency and productivity indices in Brazil. Furthermore, it was found that there is widespread dissatisfaction among the citizens of Piauí regarding the jurisdictional services provided, with high judicial costs widely recognized as a significant obstacle to exercising the fundamental right of access to justice. In summary, it is concluded that the substantial amounts charged by the TJPI do not translate into improvements in the efficiency or speed of the services provided; instead, they constitute a barrier that exacerbates inequality in access to justice in the State of Piauí.


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Author Biography

Gessica Moura Fonteles, Federal University of Piauí

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