
  • Esp. Maria Christina Barreiros D Oliveira Faculdade Processus - DF (Brasil)


Democratic State, ISONOMIA, Constitutions


The principle of isonomy or also called the principle of equality is the pillar of support of any Democratic State of Law. The sense of equality in modern society strives for
those who have not yet achieved the viability and implementation of their more basic and fundamental rights so that they not only have the right to live, but that they may also have a life of dignity. This principle dates back to the earliest civilizations and has always been in the most diverse meanings of justice even different interpretations, some more comprehensive others not so much, throughout the story. How does the application of a principle depend on the interpretation in various historical moments the principle of isonomy that it has with prohibition of disproportionate privileges and distinctions, ended up bumping into the interest of the wealthier classes that left him sided interpretation of what it really ought to be applied. Faced with this almost all the Constitutions even modern only recognize the principle of equality under its formal aspect in a equality with the dry and cool text of the law, forgetting that the principle will only acquire real applicability when it is also given a material equality
based on real and solid instruments for the implementation of the rights conferred norms established in legal systems. The importance of material equality stems from the fact that it alone enables that everyone has similar interests in maintaining public power and the equally legitimate.


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Author Biography

Esp. Maria Christina Barreiros D Oliveira, Faculdade Processus - DF (Brasil)

Graduated in Law from the University Center of Brasília (2004). Graduate in Public Law. PhD student in Juridical and Social Sciences by UMSA. Professor of Administrative, Constitutional and Tax Law in hourly regime (40 hours a week), at Faculdade Processus, at the Bachelor's Degree in Law. Professor in Preparatory Courses for the Examination of 1st and 2nd Phase in Tax Law and Post Graduation. Professor at Grancurso On line and at AMAGIS-DF Lawyer activist in the areas of Tax, Administrative, Labor and Civil Law

