Free, open source and paid programs offer. Increasing social surplus




AI programs, Free software, Open Source, Welfare, Collective goods


The overall impact of programs embedded in information technology applications have special characteristics. The structural offer of new technology programs has, today, three options: Free software, Open source, and paid software. The paper discusses each offer and explores weaknesses and strengths analysis of the goods and services produced. Strengths, weaknesses, and benefits advocated are increasing or decreasing private and Welfare surplus impact.  Different offers, or a mix of offers, deserve attention because the resulting framework implied users risks, regulations, collective and private property rights, and benefits changing more Welfare surplus. As a result, we guess software innovation is better suited to a common good or collective property or better to a common math-based language than a private right. We suggest bypassing Free, Open source, and paid offers and the conflict based on the property rights system to increase the Welfare surplus.


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Biografia do Autor

Alessandro Aveni, Universidade de Brasília

Bacharel em Administração e Mestre em Geografia pela Universidade de Brasília-UnB, Doutor em Ciências Políticas pela Universidade Statale de Milano e em Administração pela Universidade Cormerciale Luigi Bocconi di Milano ambas na Itália. Possui também Especialização em Estratégia Empresarial pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas-FGV.


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