The action of third sector associations in profit of lupus patients in face of the principle of the dignity of the human person



The Dignity of the human person, Systemic lupus, Third Sector


This article aims to make a simple approach that enables better understand that people with systemic lupus erythematosus discoid lupus erythematosus or has the right to enjoy any and all rights inherent to any citizen without any differentiation, especially the right to health and that, today, receive the collaboration of the Third Sector in the search and guarantee a better quality of life. This fact occurs because of the lack of initiatives on the part of the State that, even with the advance of medicine and with all means of communication available to, and still ensure that through the 1988 Federal Constitution equal rights to this portion of society, ceases to promote actions aiming to give effectiveness to the principle of the dignity of the human person, being sure that this Mister has been exercised through actions promoted by the Third Sector even in small scale. The fact that no specific legislation for the disease, but only projects, makes the bearers of lupus have access to certain rights only by reason of having other pathology, often by the consequences of their own lupus. Currently, from someone in the Federal Senate, bill of authorship of senator Romário establishing the National Policy of awareness and guidance on the systemic lupus. The action of the associations of the third sector is proposed as a way of improving the quality of life of thousands of people with lupus, which will reflect in their relatives and people connected to his most intimate conviviality. In this sense, specifically in relation to the person with lupus your right to dignity comes to few guaranteed by actions resulting from the third sector, although this directly ensure their rights.


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Author Biography

Olívia Danielle Mendes de Oliveira, Centro Universitário UniProcessus

Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Brasília (2017), pós-graduada em Processo Civil e Recursos pela Faculdade Educacional da Lapa (2017), pós-graduanda em Perícia Criminal e Judicial pela Gran Faculdade, pós-graduanda em Orientação Educacional pela Gran Faculdade, graduada em Direito pela Uni-Anhanguera Centro Universitário de Goiás (2005). Graduada em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário Estácio (2021).


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How to Cite

Oliveira, O. D. M. de. (2024). The action of third sector associations in profit of lupus patients in face of the principle of the dignity of the human person. Processus Journal of Public Policy and Social Development, 6(12), e061252. Retrieved from