State x Resocialization: the crime of pain of the convinced and the violation of human rights



Resocialization. Human rights. Recidivism. State.


The theme of this research is about the resocialization of detainees. The following problem was investigated: Why does the State not treat the delinquent as a human being who needs to be recovered instead of neglecting him? The following hypothesis was considered: if there is humanization in penitentiary units, there will be resocialization. The general objective is to change the current format of the procedures practiced in the Brazilian Penitentiary System. The specific objectives are: realization of human rights in prisons, resocialization, and professionalization of prisoners, among others. This work is important for a law operator due to the need to fully apply the Law on Penal Execution and Human Rights in prisons; for science, it is relevant for seeking to understand the motivation of the crime; adds to society by the fact that it shows the barbarities committed by the State and the benefits when you have a re-educated individual, with conditions to live in the community, respecting the laws and qualified to provide for himself and his family. This is theoretical qualitative research lasting six months.


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Author Biography

Elaine Drumond Machado, Centro Universitário UniProcessus


Cursando especialização lato sensu em Advocacia Criminal pelo Centro Universitário Processus – UniProcessus.


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How to Cite

Machado, E. D. (2023). State x Resocialization: the crime of pain of the convinced and the violation of human rights. Revista Processus Multidisciplinar, 4(8), 32–41. Retrieved from