

The right to forgetting. Freedom. Fundamental right. Human dignity. Privacy.


The theme of this article is “The right to be forgotten: challenges of implementing this institute in the face of fundamental rights”. The following problem was investigated: “Does the figure of the right to be forgotten imply effectiveness for the citizen in contemporary society?”. The following hypothesis was considered “the institute of the right to be forgotten implies effectiveness for the citizen in contemporary society”. The general objective is “to analyze whether the figure of the right to be forgotten implies effectiveness for the citizen in contemporary society”. The specific objectives are: “to understand the bias of the right to be forgotten in the criminal sphere, in which the convict has already fulfilled his debt to society”; the second objective is to “discuss with regard to principles that are in constant conflict”; the third specific objective is to “Investigate the impact of the internet in relation to the right to be forgotten”. This work is important for a legal practitioner insofar as it provides instruments to guarantee the citizen's right to be forgotten; for science, it is relevant because the first steps are being outlined now, the scientific world on the theme of the right to be forgotten is being grounded so that it can settle so that new studies and adjustments are achieved; it adds to society by the fact that it moves towards the broad realization of the protection of its citizens. As an intrinsic human right, the right to be forgotten converges in an inseparable way with the principle of human dignity, under which man must be cared for and protected in its entirety. It is qualitative theoretical research lasting six months.


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Author Biography

Angélica de Araújo Alves da Silva, UniProcessus – Centro Universitário Processus, DF, Brasil

[1] Graduanda em Direito pelo Centro Universitário UniProcessus.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. de A. A. da. (2022). THE RIGHT TO FORGETTING: CHALLENGES TO ACHIEVE THIS INSTITUTE IN VIEW OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. Revista Processus Multidisciplinar, 3(6), 28–44. Retrieved from