

Psychological violence. Typification. Maria da Penha Law. Domestic Violence. Murder.


The theme of this article is “Psychological violence within the Maria da Penha Law” and the following problem was investigated “how to typify, recognize and welcome this type of violence in the Law?”. The general objective is for this type of violence to be recognized with greater importance and to be removed from the naturalization of behavior. The specific objectives are: “recognition of forms of psychological violence”; “typification in the Maria da Penha Law”; “contribute to the extinction of domestic violence”. This work is important for a legal practitioner because it is important to have discernment of this type of violence and correctly judge the case so that the victim is recognized and welcomed; for science, it is relevant because dealing with this type of violence is still a challenge, considering that many of its behaviors are very normalized and the Maria da Penha Law (BRAZIL, 2006) itself does not make it clear how to accept and typify the demand, leaving it adrift of those who judge; adds to society because many victims can be saved before a possible evolution to physical, financial, sexual violence and even homicide.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Araújo Rodrigues, UniProcessus – Centro Universitário Processus, DF, Brasil

[1] Graduanda em Direito pelo Centro Universitário UniProcessus

Beatriz Ribeiro Alves, UniProcessus – Centro Universitário Processus, DF, Brasil

[1] Graduanda em Direito pelo Centro Universitário UniProcessus


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, G. A., & Alves, B. R. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE WITHIN THE MARIA DA PENHA LAW . Revista Processus Multidisciplinar, 3(6), 01–11. Retrieved from