The protection of individual rights in the face of state tax power: an analysis of constitutional limitations



Tax law. Permanent Clauses. Legality. Tribute. Limitations.


The theme of this article is: “The protection of individual rights against state tax power”. The following problem was investigated: “do constitutional limitations on the power to tax protect the individual rights of taxpayers?”. The following hypothesis was considered: “standing clauses limit the power to tax, promoting tax justice and stability in the tax system”. The general objective is “to analyze the state prerogative of taxation under constitutional restrictions”. The specific objectives are: “the influence of the Legislature on the configuration of tax rules”; “the application of the principle of legality in tax legislation”; “understanding the role of immutable clauses”. The research contributes to the understanding of tax power by legal professionals, filling scientific gaps and benefiting society by clarifying how legislation aims to guarantee a fair tax relationship. This is theoretical qualitative research lasting six months.


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Author Biography

Karina Oliveira Santos, Centro Universitário UniProcessus

Cursando especialização lato sensu em Direito tributário pelo Centro Universitário Processus – UniProcessus


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How to Cite

Santos, K. O. (2024). The protection of individual rights in the face of state tax power: an analysis of constitutional limitations. Revista Processus Multidisciplinar, 5(10), e101182. Retrieved from