Depósito Recursal. Flexibilização. Justiça trabalhista.Abstract
This article deals with the flexibility of the appeal deposit in the labor court. The problem investigated was: Does the payment of the appeal deposit not harm the employee who should be protecting? The hypothesis is that "when is identified the financial under-sufficiency of the demanded company the flexibilization of the appeals deposit is feasible." The general objective is to analyze whether the current law does not harm the employee. This article will talk about the historical evolution of labor justice; it will discuss the purpose and legal nature of the appeal deposit; and will analyze its possible flexibilization. In a particular sphere, as a law operator, this research elucidates the origin and effectiveness of this labor institute, identifies, for science, the latent organic factor of the law and promotes, for society, the discussion of the importance of law changes that may be more in line with social demands. This is a qualitative theoretical research and took 8 months to be done.
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