Information technology in education as public policy in new contexts of reality and learning



Information Technology. Education. Reading and writing.


Theme: Information technology in education as a public policy in a new context of reality and learning to advance reading and writing skills in high school. Problem: The challenge of adapting teaching plans to deal with information and communication technologies (ICTs) and guaranteeing access for all students to online education. Hypothesis: The effective integration of ICTs in Education can improve reading and writing skills in High School, as long as it is approached in a committed way and not just in a complementary way. General Objective: Analyze the impact of the integration of ICTs in Education on the development of reading and writing skills in High School. Specific Objectives: Examine how ICTs are being used in the educational context of high school. Assess the role of ICTs in promoting students’ autonomous learning. Understand the challenges and opportunities of online education in the context of high school. Justifications and Relevance for the area: The study addresses the integration of ICTs in Education, a current and crucial topic for the educational area. Relevance to science: Contributes to understanding the implications of technology for learning. Relevance to society: It can inform public education policies and improve the quality of education in high school. Method and Type of Research: The research uses an exploratory and descriptive approach, based on a literature review to analyze the impact of ICTs on the development of reading and writing skills in high school, according to the method proposed by Marconi and Lakatos (1999).


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Author Biographies

Dirce Maria da Silva, UNIEURO – Centro Universitário, DF, Brasil

[Lattes] - Mestre em Direitos Humanos, Cidadania e Estudos sobre a Violência, na linha de pesquisa em Estado, Políticas Públicas e Cidadania (UNIEURO/DF).

Eunice Nóbrega Portela, Universidade de Brasília, DF, Brasil

[Lattes] - Doutora em Educação com ênfase em Psicologia Social pela Universidade de Brasília.


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