Leading-edge thecs and artificial intelligence trends 2025. Job offer and personal skills
Innovation, Labor skills, TI and AIResumo
The paper discussion is about new software technologies and AI trends in 2025. The research seek trends in main International Organization and Consulting firms sites. Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Quantum Computing, and immersive technologies trends in 2025 are likely the main impacts on labor offer and skills. People must be aware of trends because opportunities varies form different economic activities and regional industry system and institutions labor offer. Some skills offer more opportunities to be employed. Although trends are clear it doesn’t make any sense seek general rules to apply a job offer. A deep knowledge every Nation’s labor offer and economic situation and competence skills formation define which skill must to be improved and where. What we conclude is the need of understand labor offer trend because of the speed of change and the different skills involved by new technologies trends. We suggest a way to match trends and skills.
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