How to transform your Canvas into the Business Plan



CANVAS Business Model, Business Plan, Relations between CANVAS e Business Plan


The paper has a didactic character, as it explains how Osterwalder's CANVAS Business Model relates and a standard Business Plan. The CANVAS model is more oriented towards a visual explanation, while the Business Plan is more detailed. The first can serve as a guide for a brief presentation and the second is fundamental for investment or financing decisions. Starting from the theoretical models, it appears that there are common elements. The work explains how to use the nine elements of CANVAS to fill the structure of the Business Plan. Differences are reported and explained how to complement the Business Plan. The result is to provide a guide for those who want to use the two instruments and for those who place CANVAS in the Business Plan to take care of the congruence between what is written in CANVAS in relation to the explanation of the Business Plan.

Key words: CANVAS Business Model. Business Plan. Relations between. CANVAS e Business Plan


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Author Biography

Dr. Alessandro Aveni, Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)

Pós doutor pela UnB. Doutor em Ciências Políticas Universidade Statale de Milano, em Administração pela Universidade Cormerciale Luigi Bocconi di Milano. Mestre em Geografia e Graduação em Administração pela UnB. Docente na Universidade de Brasília.


E-mail: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Aveni, D. A. (2020). FROM CANVAS TO THE BUSINESS PLAN: How to transform your Canvas into the Business Plan. Processus Journal of Public Policy and Social Development, 2(3), 32–45. Retrieved from