Future work impacts strategies due to covid-19 pademia



Covid-19. Health economics. Market failures. Planning and risk management.


The paper wants to expose the causes of crisis and the obstacles of the health system and show the social and economic impacts of these failures. The research results show that it is possible and mandatory to search for solutions. Several strategies are included into the paper. Among them, four are discussed as fundamental solutions today: increasing innovation and remote work processes, financing universal health systems by funds, improving product offerings and education in terms of job training and risks the health, increase health industry 4.0 applications. The conclusion is that the challenge is great, but it must now be faced by learning from mistakes and preparing for other crises.


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Author Biography

Dr. Alessandro Aveni, Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)

Pós doutor pela UnB. Doutor em Ciências Políticas Universidade Statale de Milano, em Administração pela Universidade Cormerciale Luigi Bocconi di Milano. Mestre em Geografia e Graduação em Administração pela UnB. Docente na Universidade de Brasília.

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0679425851663633

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6266-6818

E-mail: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Aveni, D. A. (2020). Future work impacts strategies due to covid-19 pademia. Processus Journal of Public Policy and Social Development, 2(3), 04–14. Retrieved from https://periodicos.processus.com.br/index.php/ppds/article/view/187