International Migratory Population Movements: Dilemmas and Challenges for the State and Society


  • Dr. Samuel Costa da Silva Universidade de Brasília (UNB) - DF BRASIL
  • Ângela M. L. C. Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)
  • João P. R. Mota Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)


Immigrant. Refugee. Conflict. Migration


The search for a refuge beyond borders has become inevitable for a share of the world's population, victimized by the internal and external wars of their country of origin. Refugee and immigrant conventions and treaties have laid legal founda-tions for international and humanitarian aid. However, despite the laws, the real needs of immigrants in Brazilian territory are big. In addition to regularizing the legal status of the immigrant, it is up to the state and society to provide them with conditions to effectively establish themselves in the country as legitimate citizens. The survey focused on immigrants from Venezuela, Ghana, Nigeria and Gabon and analyzed their dilemmas and conflicts


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Author Biographies

Dr. Samuel Costa da Silva, Universidade de Brasília (UNB) - DF BRASIL

Pós-doutor e doutor em sociologia pela UnB e pesquisador do Instituto Processus. Leciona Sociologia Geral e Jurí­dica no curso de Direito, Ciência Social, Política e Filosofia nos cursos de Gestão Pública e Administração Pública da Faculdade Processus.


Ângela M. L. C., Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)

Graduanda em Direito pela Faculdade Processus.

João P. R. Mota, Faculdade Processus - DF (BRASIL)

Graduando em Direito pela Faculdade Processus


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How to Cite

da Silva, D. S. C., Ângela M. L. C., & Mota, J. P. R. (2019). International Migratory Population Movements: Dilemmas and Challenges for the State and Society. Processus Journal of Public Policy and Social Development, 1(2), 01–10. Retrieved from