Review of the chapter titled “The importance of knowing the history and etiology of Burnout during and after the Covid-19 pandemic”



Burnout. Pandemic. Social Isolation. Worker's health.


This is a review of the chapter entitled “The importance of knowing the History and Etiology of Burnout during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic”. This article is authored by: Eduarda Faria Abrahão Machado. The chapter number four reviewed here was published in the book “Multidisciplinary aspects involving Law, Management and Finance about Covid 19”, 1st edition. 2020. Processus Publisher.


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Author Biography

João Luiz Farinon, Centro Universitário UniProcessus

Graduando em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Processus – UniProcessus.


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How to Cite

Farinon, J. L. (2023). Review of the chapter titled “The importance of knowing the history and etiology of Burnout during and after the Covid-19 pandemic”. Revista Processus Multidisciplinar, 4(7), 384–388. Retrieved from