This is a review about the article entitled “The national socio-educational care system: analysis of transition practices from the doctrine of the irregular situation to the doctrine of integral protection in socio-educational actions”



Socio-educational system. Irregular status. Full protection. Resocialization.


This is a review about the article entitled “The national socio-educational care system: analysis of transition practices from the doctrine of the irregular situation to the doctrine of integral protection in socio-educational actions”. This article was written by Dirce Maria da Silva; Eunice Nóbrega Portela; Henrique Smidt Simon. The article was published at “Revista Processus de Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento Social”, at Vol. 3, edition n. 5, jan.-jul., 2021.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Messias Deodoro Andrade, Centro Universitário UniProcessus

Graduando em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Processus – UniProcessus.


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SILVA, Dirce Maria da; PORTELA, Eunice Nóbrega; SIMON, Henrique Smidt. O sistema nacional de atendimento socioeducativo: análise das práticas de transição da doutrina da situação irregular para a doutrina da proteção integral nas ações socioeducativas. Revista Processus de Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento Social. Vol. 3, n. 5, jan.-jul., 2021. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 set. 2022.



How to Cite

Andrade, G. M. D. (2023). This is a review about the article entitled “The national socio-educational care system: analysis of transition practices from the doctrine of the irregular situation to the doctrine of integral protection in socio-educational actions”. Revista Processus Multidisciplinar, 4(7), 339–343. Retrieved from