Review of the article: the adherence of the accounting pronouncements of the CPC (Committee of Accounting Pronouncements) to international accounting standards
International accounting standards. Accounting pronouncement committee.Abstract
This is a review of the article entitled “Adherence of CPC Accounting Pronouncements to International Accounting Standards.” This article is authored by: Jorge Andrade Costa, Carlos Renato Theóphilo and Marina Mitiyo Yamamoto. The article reviewed here was published in the journal “Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança” - Brasília · v. 15 · no. 2 · pg. 110 - 126 May/Aug 2012.
COSTA, Jorge Andrade; THEÓPHILO, Carlos Renato; YAMAMOTO, Marina Mitiyo. A Aderência dos Pronunciamentos Contábeis do CPC às Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade. Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança. Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança - Brasília · v. 15 · n. 2 · p. 110 - 126 · mai/ago 2012. Disponível em:
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