Review of the article titled "The functions of criminal law and the purposes of criminal sanction in the social democratic state of law"
Criminal Law. Criminal Sanction. Democratic StateAbstract
This is a review of the article entitled “The functions of criminal law and the purposes of criminal sanction in the democratic social state of law”. This article is authored by: Vanderson Roberto Vieira. The article reviewed here was published in the journal “Revista Processus de Estudos de Gestão, Jurídicas e Financeiros”, in Vol. I, edition no. 1, jan.-mar., 2010.
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VIEIRA, Vanderson Roberto. As Funções do Direito Penal e as finalidades da sanção criminal no Estado Social Democrático De Direito. Revista Processus de Estudos de Gestão, Jurídicos e financeiros. Ano I, Vol. I, n.1, jan.-mar., 2010.
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