The problem of digital currencies in the financial market in Brazil


  • Hassan Berdmouch UniProcessus – Centro Universitário Processus, DF, Brasil
  • Igor de Oliveira Saraiva UniProcessus – Centro Universitário Processus, DF, Brasil
  • Taginara Weber Mariani UniProcessus – Centro Universitário Processus, DF, Brasil


Financial market. Coin. Tributary. Profits. Cryptocurrency.


Summary A nation's currency is strictly related to its sovereignty, thus, the approach to digital currency is latent, a subject widely discussed in the international context. The relevance of this discussion is inferred, in view of the potential need for the state to preserve the tax and legal relations that come to preserve its structure through the possible chaos brought about by the advent of digital currency. That said, the aim of this study is to investigate the regulation of the digital currency market in Brazil. A bibliographical research was carried out considering the contributions of the literature on the subject, as well as the pertinent legislation. Appropriately, the research related to the problem regarding the existence of legislation on the subject was defined, highlighting the regulation of this market in the financial system, its tax aspects and the possibility of free circulation of digital currency in the country.


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How to Cite

Berdmouch, H., Saraiva, I. de O., & Mariani, T. W. (2023). The problem of digital currencies in the financial market in Brazil. Revista Processus Multidisciplinar, 4(7), 35–38. Retrieved from