The reparability of moral damage in the framework of family relations
The theme of this article is The Reparability of Moral Damage in the Scope of Family Relations. The following problem was investigated: "Is the responsibility for moral damages should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis in family relationships so that trivialization does not occur?". The following hypothesis was considered "Is every betrayal liable to compensation for pain and suffering?". The general objective is "to address in which situations within the family environment compensation for moral damage is appropriate". The specific objective is “it is necessary to analyze how the Judiciary Branch has explored each concrete case, with the purpose of not trivializing the compensation for moral damages”. This work is important for Law practitioners, as it provokes discussion, questions about what really encompasses moral damage in family matters, which is such a broad theme, causing an approximation to a scientific soundness about the problem to all involved. It is qualitative theoretical research lasting six months.
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