Ayahuasca. Africa. Prejudice. Religion. Racism.Abstract
The topic of this article is the prejudice experienced by practitioners of African and Indigenous religions who share the Daime. The following problem was investigated: Why do religions of African and indigenous matrices suffer from prejudice? The following hypothesis was considered: religious prejudice is linked to racial prejudice. The general objective is to show religious prejudice through the history of Brazil; the specific objectives are discussing the origin of this prejudice; explaining how Indigenous and African religions were diffused and bringing data about religious intolerance in Brazil. This work is important for a legal practitioner because it puts on the agenda the effectiveness of Article 5 of the Federal Constitution; for science, it is relevant for bringing studies and data on religious intolerance; adds to the society by bringing reflections on the importance of movements and ideals of “decoloniality”. This is theoretical qualitative research which will last for six months.
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