Review of the article entitled “Penal System & Violence”
Feminism, Feminicide, CriminologyAbstract
This is a review of the article entitled "Penal System & Violence", this article is authored by: Carmen Hein de Campos the article reviewed here was published in the journal of the Electronic Magazine of the Faculty of Law of PUCRS, the author addresses the topic of feminicide in Brazil with a critical-feminist perspective. The problem discussed is the continued criminalization of gender- based violence, and the hypothesis raised is that feminicide represents a process of perpetuating this violence. The article presents general objectives of critical-feminist analysis and specific objectives related to feminicide in Brazil, in addition to a methodology based on exploratory and descriptive research. The work is divided into chapters that explore gender violence and cultural issues, as well as the qualification of feminicide and final considerations on the need to recognize feminicide violence as a violation of human rights and a relevant legal good.
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