Review of the article titled: Constitutional Mutation: The case of the End of the Civil Prisonment of the Unfaithful Depositary



Resenha. Depositário Infiel. Obtenção do grau.


This is a review of the article entitled: “Constitutional Mutation: The case of the endo f the prison of the unfaithful depositary”. This article is authored by: Jonathan Gabriel Rojas de Aguiar. Neemias Ferreira dos Santos. The article reviewed here was published in the journal “Revista Processus de Estudos de Gestão, Jurídicos e Financeiros”, Year VIII, Vol. VIII, n.31, Jul./Sep., 2017. The work, elaborated here, is to obtain degree in Law at Centro Universitário Processus – UniProcessus.


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Author Biographies

Jonthan Gabriel Rojas de Aguair, Centro Universitário UniProcessus

Graduando em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Processus – UniProcessus.

Neemias Ferreira dos Santos, Centro Universitário UniProcessus

Graduando em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Processus – UniProcessus.


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How to Cite

Aguair, J. G. R. de, & Santos, N. F. dos. (2024). Review of the article titled: Constitutional Mutation: The case of the End of the Civil Prisonment of the Unfaithful Depositary. Revista Processus Multidisciplinar, 5(9), e091101. Retrieved from