Autism: normativity and applicability in the universe of specific needs
Autism.TEA. Rules. Laws. Inclusion.Abstract
This article aims to discuss the existing normativity and its respective applicability in the universe of the specific needs of Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD, presenting the current legislation that seeks to ensure the inclusion and protection of the person with autism, analyzing the correlation between legislation and the universe of autistic specific needs. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by atypical development, behavioral manifestations, deficits in communication and social interaction, repetitive and stereotyped behavior patterns, which may present, for these reasons, a restricted repertoire of interests and activities. society and even among professionals who are required for interdisciplinary work, which has made both diagnosis and intervention difficult. In Brazil there is an effort to promote the inclusion of people with autism. There are regulations that are being applied in the universe of the specific needs of the ASD, aiming to ensure the inclusion and protection of the person with the disorder, assuring them of rights and guarantees in different areas. This is a descriptive exploratory study, based on bibliographic and documental research analyzed in a qualitative approach.
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