Compulsory adjudication in registry oficce and the Law nº 14.382/2022
Compulsory adjudication. Registry’s Office. Innovation.Abstract
The theme of this article is to analyze the innovations brought by Law nº 14.382, of June 27, 2022, regarding the extrajudicial compulsory adjudication. The following problem was investigated: "What are the legislative innovations concerning the compulsory adjudication?" The following hypothesis was hypothesized "is it a measure capable of propitiating the reduction in judicial demands". The general objective is to verify the impacts to society arising from the extrajudicial compulsory adjudication. The specific objectives are: what are the impacts on society, what are the benefits, what are the differences with other institutes. This work is important from a social perspective because it enables a new tool for citizen
PEREIRA, Eduardo Calais; CORREA, Leandro Augusto Neves; DIPIERI, Rafael Vitelli. Adjudicação compulsória extrajudicial: conceitos e limites. Disponível em <> . Acesso em 16 out. de 2022.
TARTUCE, Flavio. Manual de Direito Civil: volume único. 11. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense: São Paulo: Método, 2021.

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