

Irregular situation. 2. Full protection. 3. Resocialization.


This exploratory, descriptive and empirical study brings a discussion of the transition from the Doctrine of the Irregular Situation to the Doctrine of Integral Protection in the actions of the National Social-Educational Service - SINASE. For this, we analyzed data referring to overcrowding, separation of inmates and healthiness of internment units, context of application of the measure of deprivation of liberty, criteria that, if fulfilled, remove only punitive assumptions, characteristic of the “minorist” model. Actions in the application of the socio-educational measure must observe the guidelines recommended by the letter of the law, in order to extinguish the merely repressive dynamics. It was found that there has not yet been an effective change in mentality from the context of “minor offender” to the perspective of the adolescent in conflict with the law, subject of rights.


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Author Biographies

Dirce Maria da Silva, Centro Universitário Unieuro, UNIEURO, Brasil

[1] Mestre em Direitos Humanos, Cidadania e Violência com ênfase em Políticas Públicas pelo Centro Universitário Euroamericano/DF. Professora universitária. Bacharel em Administração. Especialista em Gestão Pública e Negócios. Pesquisadora.

Eunice Nóbrega Portela, Universidade de Brasília, UnB, DF, Brasil

[1] Doutora em Educação com ênfase em Psicologia Social pela Universidade de Brasília. Professora universitária. Administradora Educacional. Consultora Empresarial. Gestora. Pesquisadora.


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