Brief Considerations on Crimes Against Organization of Work




Crimes contra a organização do trabalho. Constituição. Campo penal. Legislação trabalhista. Princí­pios constitucionais.


The subject of this article is Brief Considerations on Crimes against the Organization of Work. The following problem was investigated: Are crimes against the Labor Organization a matter for the Labor Court? The general objective is "to analyze the importance of the Brazilian normative system in crimes against work organization". The specific objectives are: "to study the labor legislation and the guarantee elements"; "Examine the labor law advocated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the Constitution"; "Analyze the criminal type that deals with crimes against the Labor Organization". This work is important from an individual perspective because of the importance of crimes against the Labor Organization; for science, it is relevant because it deals with crimes against the Labor Organization in the criminal field in view of constitutional principles; it adds to society by exposing the positive and negative fundamentals pertinent to the possible legitimation of these tests through the constitutional prism. This is a qualitative theoretical research lasting six months.


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Author Biographies

Rosemary de Araújo Silva, Faculdade Processus -DF, Brasil

Graduanda em Direito pela Faculdade Processus -DF, Brasil

Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves, Faculdade Processus -DF, Brasil

Doutorando em Psicologia; Mestre em Ciência Política (Direitos Humanos e Políticas Públicas); licenciado em Filosofia e Letras (Português e Inglês); Especialista em Direito Constitucional e Processo Constitucional, em Direito Administrativo, em Direito do Trabalho e Processo Trabalhista, entre outras especializações. Professor das faculdades Processus (DF), Unip (SP) e Facesa (GO). Escritor (autor de 61 livros didáticos/acadêmicos). Revisor. Editor. CV Lattes: ORCID: E-mail: [email protected]


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