The Physiotherapy School Clinic The Valparaíso-Go: Brief Considerations On Its Operation.
School Clinic, Disabled person, Physical therapy assistance.Abstract
The theme of this article is The Valparaiso-Go Clinic School of Physical Therapy: Brief Considerations About Its Functioning; and to write it down we rely on some questions: Have you, dear reader, ever observed how many physical, emotional, intellectual and social changes have been going on throughout your life to this day? Have you thought of all its uniqueness and complexity to become the adult you are today? and Your memorable childhood full of playful activities, play, your attendance at schools respecting your neuropsychomotor development ?.Probably after these little questions you reflected and as a movie everything came back to your mind. Well, knowing this whirlwind of daily change, have you ever wondered how this process happens in children with disabilities?The objective of this paper is to allow the insertion of the undergraduate student in physical therapy in the social context through an ethical posture towards patients and society. This work is important from an individual perspective because of the opportunity for the student to broaden his / her vision and notice the people around him / her, understanding their needs, their conflicts that directly interfere with interpersonal and social relationships. for science, it is relevant for allowing the application of the knowledge obtained and the acquisition of more knowledge; It adds to society that, by extension, it provides quality physical therapy assistance under the supervision of a qualified teacher.
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GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo. Manual de Artigo de Revisão de Literatura. Brasília: Processus, 2019.
GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo. Manual de Projeto de Pesquisa. Brasília: Processus, 2019.
GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo. Metodologia Científica e Redação Acadêmica. 8. ed. Brasília: JRG, 2019.
SANTOS, Carla Chiste Tomazoli; GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo. Clinica Escola Facesa: Estudo de casos em Neuropediatria. Valparaiso de Goiás: Editora Sena Aires, 2018.
_______. Motricidade Infantil: O Desenvolvimento motor de 0 a 2 anos. Valparaiso de Goiás: Editora Sena Aires, 2019.
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