Summary of Education Inclusion in Higher Education
Higher Education. Investment. Policies. Young. Economy.Abstract
The theme of this article is a summary of educational inclusion in higher education. The following problem was investigated: "Is higher education as important as basic as a fundamental right?" The following hypothesis was considered: "giving importance to higher education can reflect directly on the national economy". The overall objective is to "emphasize the relevance of investing in higher education". The specific objectives are: "to analyze private initiatives"; "Discuss public policy"; "Explain about the national context of young people". This work is important from an individual perspective because of the knowledge of the precariousness in which many young Brazilians live; for science it is relevant because it is the socioeconomic condition of the country; It adds to society because inclusion in higher education is a way of changing, in the long run, the social situation of many. This is a theoretical qualitative research lasting two months.
BRASIL, 2019. Educa Mais Brasil. Acesso em 22 out2019. Disponível em: <>
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