Benjamin Project Developed In Valparaiso-Go College
Integrative Practice; Physical Therapy Performance; Neuropediatrics; Neuropediatric Physiotherapy.Abstract
The subject of this article is Project Benjamin at the Faculty of Valparaiso-Go, was developed in the year 2005; aiming to promote community interaction with the students of the Physical Therapy Course, providing fun and bringing the possibility of using physical therapy resources and techniques in a therapeutic and educational intervention process. It should be made clear that this proposal constitutes a process of social commitment of the Faculty with the community of Valparaiso-Go. This work is important from an individual perspective because it allows the interaction of the physiotherapy student with the community to become more capable, within an extension perspective, adapting the teaching / learning process; for science, it is relevant for allowing the experience of a reality and the acquisition of more knowledge; It adds to society because it can count on the provision of a professional service of excellence.
GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo. Como fazer um Projeto de Pesquisa de um Artigo de Revisão de Literatura. Revista JRG de Estudos Acadêmicos, Ano II, Vol.II, n.5, 2019.
GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo. Manual de Artigo de Revisão de Literatura. Brasília: Processus, 2019.
GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo. Manual de Projeto de Pesquisa. Brasília: Processus, 2019.
GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo. Metodologia Científica e Redação Acadêmica. 8. ed. Brasília: JRG, 2019.
SANTOS, Carla Chiste Tomazoli; GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo (coords.). Clínica Escola Facesa: Estudo de casos em Neuropediatria. Valparaiso de Goiás: Sena Aires, 2018.
SANTOS, Carla Chiste Tomazoli; GONÇALVES, Jonas Rodrigo (coords.). Motricidade Infantil: o Desenvolvimento motor de 0 a 2 anos. Valparaiso de Goiás: Sena Aires, 2019.
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