E-book and Your Tax Immunity
Immunity. Restrictive. Extensive. Interpretation. E-booksAbstract
The theme of this article is TAX IMMUNITY IN E-BOOK DIGITAL BOOKS. The following problem was investigated: "Should restrictive interpretation prevail in e-book taxation?". The following hypothesis was hypothesized: "Extensive interpretation must prevail over e-book taxation". The overall goal is to "Analyze tax immunity in eBook eBooks ". The specific objectives are: "Analyze the innovations of the current tax legislation"; " Evaluate tax immunity and its extensibility to eBook"; " Discuss restrictive and extended interpretations of e-book immunity". This work is important from an individual perspective due to This work is important from an individual perspective because of the values "‹"‹that are employed in the criteria of extensive interpretation; for science, is relevant because it to science, it is relevant because of the unalterable precept of great social extension, making the values "‹"‹of books, newspapers and periodicals, by any format or by means of disclosure, more accessible; adds to society by It adds to society because the whole society will be closer to the information with lower cost, regardless of the platform that is conveyed. This is a theoretical qualitative research lasting six months.
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