Difference between sale with reservation of domain and fiduciary alienation



Sale with reservation of domain. Fiduciary alienation. Comparative analysis. Effects.


The theme of this article is to identify, based on the Brazilian Civil Code and legislation, the main differences between the sale clause with reservation of ownership of purchase and sale contracts and fiduciary alienation, based on recent changes arising from Law No. 14,382 /2022. The following problem was investigated: “What are the main effects of each of these modalities? The following hypothesis was considered: the domain reservation clause contains, at the same time, a suspensive condition, in relation to the acquisition of ownership of the property sold, and also a resolutive condition of the contract, if payment of the installments is not verified; while in fiduciary alienation the fiduciary debtor goes from being the owner to being the holder of a right of reacquisition, under a suspensive condition, and the right to enjoy direct possession and the fruits of the property. The general objective is to demonstrate a parallel between the two modalities, that is, their differences, so that the debtor can analyze which is the best option in their case. The specific objectives are: what impacts on society; what are the benefits, what are the differences with other institutes. This work is important from an economic perspective, showing the value of these two types of credit that the Brazilian Financial System provides, in addition to providing clarifications about the two types and their applicability.


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Author Biographies

Claurício Wallace dos Santos, UniProcessus – Centro Universitário Processus, DF, Brasil


Graduando em Direito no Centro Universitário UniProcessus – 5º Semestre.

Ana Carolina Borges Oliveira, UniProcessus – Centro Universitário Processus, DF, Brasil


Advogada. Mestre em direito e políticas públicas pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília, UniCEUB. Especialista em Contratos e Responsabilidade Civil pelo Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público – IDP. Bacharel em Direito pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília – UniCEUB. Professora do Centro Universitário UniProcessus nas disciplinas de Direito Civil II, Direito Civil IV,
Direito Notarial e Registral e Prática Jurídica.


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