Nepotism: characteristics and violation of the constitucional order
Nepotism. Relatives. Society. Principles. Violation.Abstract
The subject of this article is: ''nepotism: characteristics and violation of the constitutional order'' The act of appointing family members and relatives without sufficient competence to exercise public office was investigated. The hypothesis "how nepotism can be harmful to society" was considered. The general objective is to demonstrate the constitutional principles violated by the practice of nepotism, qualifying them and distinguishing them from their peculiar characteristics. The specific objectives are to identify their acts, their illegal forms and means of violation, in addition to explaining how it occurs in a 'crossed' way, as well as how the act of naming cousins is not considered nepotism and, in a certain way, the means to combat these practices. This work is important from an individual perspective due to the need to investigate how nepotism conducts, on the other hand, in a social perspective, it takes into account the fact of making readers aware of the forms of the act and how they violate the legal world, in addition to Furthermore, for science, this work corroborates the research on the efficiency of the public service and how nepotism can lead to its harmfulness to the administered.
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