Euthanasia. Right to life. Dignity. Federal Constitution. Brazilian legislation.Abstract
The subject of this article is Types of euthanasia and its regulations in Brazilian legislation. The following problem was investigated: "Is life a right or an obligation?" The following hypothesis was considered "to what extent the guarantee of the right to life can intervene in the choice of a person to die with dignity or their simple biological existence". The general objective is "To present euthanasia and its regulations in Brazilian legislation". The specific objectives are: "to understand euthanasia in Brazil and in the world"; "Analyze the meaning of human dignity"; "Discuss the fundamental principle of inviolability to life adopted by the Federal Constitution of 1988". This work is important for an operator of the Law due to the topicality of the topic and great discussion around it, bringing up cultural, religious, bioethical and health issues, thus contributing to professional growth; for science, it is relevant because it is a topic that still raises many questions, even with technological and scientific advances; it adds to society because it is in people's interest to know their rights and what is provided for in the law. This is a qualitative theoretical research lasting six months.
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