

Coalición presidencialista. Régimen presidencial. Polí­ticas gubernamentales.


The theme of this article is coalition presidentialism and the implementation of government policies. The following problem was investigated: Does Brazilian coalition presidentialism contribute favorably to the implementation of state policies? The following hypothesis was considered "the adoption of the Brazilian coalition presidential system ends up contributing, in general, in the implementation of state policies". The overall goal is to demonstrate whether Brazilian coalition presidentialism contributes favorably to the implementation of state public policies. The specific objectives are: to distinguish between parliamentary and presidential regimes; clarify the relationship between the Executive and Legislative powers in a presidential coalition regime; discuss the effects of the Brazilian coalition presidential model. This work is important from an individual perspective due to of the understanding of how post-election governments are shaped; for science, apprehension of the possible models for managing coalitions will result in greater efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness in the implementation of government policies; adds to society by achieving greater governance and governance through the coalitions formed. This is a qualitative theoretical research lasting six months.


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Author Biographies

Simone Reis Barros Santos Lucena, Faculdade Processus, DF, Brasil

Graduanda em Direito pela Faculdade Processus. Licenciada em Pedagogia. Especialista em Escrivania Policial. Analista Legislativo da Câmara dos Deputados.

Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves, Universidade Católica de Brasília UCB, DF, Brasil.

Doutorando em Psicologia; Mestre em Ciência Política; Licenciado em Filosofia e Letras (Português e Inglês); Especialista em Didática do Ensino Superior em EAD, Docência no Ensino Superior, Formação em EAD, Revisão de Texto, Agronegócio e Gestão Ambiental. Professor das faculdades Processus, Unip, Facesa, CNA. Escritor (autor de 61 livros didáticos). Revisor. Editor.


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