Brief considerations on the judicialization of health: the challenge of the effectiveness of this fundamental guarantee


  • Lorena Abrão Pimenta dos Santos Faculdade Processus -DF
  • MSc. Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves Faculdade Processus -DF


Judicialization. Guarantees. Health. Dignity. Public Policies


This paper is an extended summary of the article The Judicialization of Health: The Challenge of Making this Fundamental Guarantee. The following problem was investigated: "Does judicialization cause injustice?" The following hypothesis was considered: "It is not injustice to the extent that the State does not offer health effectively." The overall objective is to "Demonstrate the leading cause of judicialization." The specific objectives are: "Investigate the sector most affected by the lack of care"; "Examine the State as a guarantor of rights"; "Demonstrate the reasons of judicialization". This work is important from an individual perspective because of the number of people dead awaiting emergency health care; for science, it is relevant because it provokes the perception that investing in emergency care is essential to reduce judicialization; It adds to society for the fact that such a premise saves lives, the most valuable asset within the legal system, essential for the Democratic Rule of Law. This is a theoretical qualitative research lasting six months


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Author Biographies

Lorena Abrão Pimenta dos Santos, Faculdade Processus -DF

Graduanda em Direito pela Faculdade Processus

MSc. Jonas Rodrigo Gonçalves, Faculdade Processus -DF

Doutorando em Psicologia; Mestre em Ciência Política; Licenciado em Filosofia e Letras (Português e Inglês); Especialista em Didática do Ensino Superior em EAD, Docência no Ensino Superior, Formação em EAD, Revisão de Texto, Agronegócio e Gestão Ambiental. Professor das faculdades Processus, Unip, Facesa, CNA. Escritor (autor de 61 livros didáticos). Revisor. Editor.


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