The relevance of brazilian family agriculture on local rural development and federal district forest recovery
Family farming. Forest Recovery. Rural developmentAbstract
The theme of this article is the Relevance of Brazlândia Family Farming in Local Rural Development and Forest Recovery in the Federal District. The following problem was investigated: "Does the land of Brazlândia family farmers contain forest reserves provided by law? The following hypothesis was considered: "it is believed so, since most of them contain the native reserve, provided for in Law 12,651 / 2012, which, by its determination, according to Article 12, item b, all rural property with determinant biome" cerrado "must maintain an area with native vegetation cover, as a Legal Reserve, which is" 35% (thirty five percent) ". The overall objective "is to analyze the relevance of Brazlândia's family farming in the rural development and forest recovery of these farmers. This article also provides for the verification of the impact of the application of Law No. 12,651 / 2012 on the use of areas with native reserve. The specific objectives are: "to check whether the Brazlândia Family Farmers Lands contain a legal forest reserve; 2. Map the production of family farming in Brazlândia: main crops and consuming publics; 3. Understand the demand of the DF and surrounding family farming properties, as well as its agricultural production, with emphasis on the local market; 4. Verify if family farmers in Brazlandia know their public policies; 5. Diagnose the importance of forest recovery for family farmers in Brazlândia. " This work is important from an individual perspective because of the benefits to the aggregation of forest recoveries for the environment and for farmers, so that environmental preservation is as important as increasing agricultural production; For science, it is relevant because the 2006 Agricultural Census highlights the importance of family farming, which in recent years has gained greater visibility as well as gained knowledge about Public Policy.
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