Brief considerations theory of social conformity and the influence of the authority profile on the persuasion of electoral voting



Social conformism. Social influence. Influence of authority profile. Elections. Public opinion. Universal Church.


Studies and experiments in social psychology, according to the view of Acsh (1951) suggest that individuals tend to mimic the pattern of behavior in a given nucleus that has a majority reflecting on the same object. Even if they reason against the contrary, these people tend to change their opinion on the grounds of the group. This Milgram group (2009) also reflects on the authority profile present in them, in which it induces those surveyed to follow a profile of influence in the formation of their choices and answers. Nevertheless, according to a psychological political analysis, it points to an influence of groups that have in it actors who exercise a certain authority, such as religious leaders, in the figure of the church, who can persuade their followers by explaining this theory. This social conformism also reflects the desire not to show up or vulnerable the majority. Following this line of social psychology, this article will explore electoral elections through the influence of religious and local leaders in the persuasion of the electoral vote.


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Author Biography

André Felipe Rosa, Universidade Católica de Brasília, DF, Brasil


Mestre em Psicologia pela UCB, Especialista em Relações Institucionais pelo Ibmec e graduado em Ciência Política pela UnB.


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